Thursday, May 14, 2009

what if our news is always like this?

Interesting huh? go and check it out..

just click play, sit back, and watch this awesome news..

well that was randomly funny! i was on youtube, looking for some interesting stuffs till this popped on my screen. (just wanna share some of my funny youtube moments with you guys..)

I hope you've enjoyed our news for tonight, till next time! haha!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

“If humans have wings”

If humans have wings, our life would be easier and cooler! Like, floating on air, around-and-around, playing with birds or anything than can fly or hover and feeling the comforting temperature of the awesome fluffy popped corn shaped clouds. Having such would make our race even higher than other species. I would look like a god or something with those. Well, that is one of the “not so good” things or part of having wings. The human race will be greedier for power than now, and will dominate anything for the land and air is on our side. And if wee do really have wings, jobs will be affected terribly and will be totally different. People with jobs concerning transportation (drivers, pilots, captains) will suffer. In short, unemployment or no job/ work at all. Also, most people’s dream to fly would end or will there even be a line like “I wish I can fly”?

While making this essay about humans having wings, I feel like I’m on cloud-nine. I can’t help but to day-dream of me having a pair of wings! Having wings for me is being cool... I mean, way too COOL!! J

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Television advertisements are more entertaining than the programs they interrupt. People watch TV show or movies not knowing and unconsciously watch TV ads too.

There are many reasons why people watch TV advertisements though their purpose is only to watch movies they like and those that they only want to watch.

One is, to add the excitement about the movie and to make themselves think on what’s going to happen next on the show or movies they are watching. In short, programs are hanged to make the viewers excited. Another is to relieve the tension or relax themselves if they are watching horror, suspense or the likes. Sometimes, people just watch TV ads to know what’s “IN” or “HIP”. Also, TV advertisements help jobless people. Like, the “Nescafe ad” telling something about how people can help farmers by just buying their products.

TV advertisements of course should always be made to entertain or something that will catch the viewer’s attention. And if incase you haven’t noticed. Famous TV ads are shown between TV shows where many people are watching or the so called “peek hours of watching”. And that is a good reason why people watch commercials and TV advertisements. Well others just watch them because they can’t do anything about it. Still, the main purpose of commercials and/or TV ads is to inform people.

~there are also funny people that do stupid things like doing things they’ve watched or say funny things and some lines they’ve heard. And I think people like those are funny. :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My life (LOVE) is like DOTA!


            When I’m not sure with the girl, I can use “re-pick”. if I don’t have enough money for my date, I’ll do some “farming” first. When there’s no rival, it’s time for me to “push”! Or if my rival is a step ahead of me, all I need to do is “back” and “heal” so I can fight again! After getting her and making her love me, I’ll go to “roshan” so that even if I die the love will stay. If I lose, “rematch”! and last, if she doesn’t like me…. “ Friendster na lang”

Friday, January 23, 2009

“THIS DAY IS [insert adjective here]!!!”

I still don’t even know what to type and say. I’m really having hard time thinking about the activity today. I can’t even think of a topic or something to start with. So, I’ll make this one of my experience that I don’t want to happen and even think of.

Ugh! This sucks. Ha-ha! I really can’t think of anything right now. But I’m still wondering what my grade would be L

I really want to make my own compo. And again, I don’t even know where, how and what to start with. I asked my classmates about their compos. To get some ideas but I failed. One told me something about her father that died; another told me about spider hunting, and about her JS Promenade, and some sort. Still I ended to nothing.

Ma’am! I still hope of you reading this. Though doing that might add some weirdo point for me. Ha-ha!